Sunday, November 3, 2013

Welcome to Earth Epochs Blog

My first online free web book is located here:

I have been trying for some time to publish my full web book one section at a time on Facebook, but it ends up not working as well as I had thought, and not enough review and dispersal there of my material, so I thought I would try this blog format. I had built this blog page about three years ago, and just had never used it. 

For any of you that may not be familiar with my work, I discovered evidence of a lost civilization or culture on the East and Gulf Coasts of North and Central America in 2008. Over the last 4 years I have been researching and documenting the locations and specific evidence to support the initial finding. The original discovery include underwater or sunken harbors, canals and channels that are on a secondary tidal shoulder, under 6' to 9' of ocean level. Almost all the evidence presented regarding these anomalies have no connection whatsoever to any modern or current land based use. In fact they are almost all offshore anywhere from hundreds of feet from the current shore line, to a few that are out on the continental shelf in the open ocean, two and a half miles beyond current land. They all match each other in depth characteristics, as well as matching the depth of the so called "Bimini Road-Harbor". 

To review this data, my websites or other information or material relating to 'Ancient Canal Builders' or 'The Last Great Cataclysm – 7,000 Years Ago' in any detail, it is important to understand the significance of sea level raise during the end of the Pleistocene, and the first half of the current Holocene epoch as a solid dating mechanism.

Late Pleistocene, early Holocene Sea Level Rise

During the early Holocene, between about 15K and 7K years ago, six or more catastrophic to super cataclysmic events occurred that on each occasion radically and nearly instantaneously changed the Earth's ambient temperature, causing three rapid ice sheet melt periods, termed by oceanographers as "Meltwater Pulse" periods. The first meltwater pulse was the most sudden and the most severe, occurring about 14,800 years ago. Between then and 13,800 ybp, in about 1,000 years, the resulting ice melt pulse caused a global Sea Level increase of about 75'. That is about 7' 6” of global ocean rise every 100 years. That is an enormous rate of ice melt and consequent ocean level increase. 

To grasp the significance, it calls into question the very basics of Hydro and Thermal Dynamics. From a lay viewpoint, there seems to be only one explanation for such a rapid ice melt, and that is some radical form of 'heat transfer'. As the Sun is the only external heat mechanism in the solar system, it follows logically that the Sun was the primary cause of at least the first and probably all three rapid melt pulses. Of course that does not exclude an impact or near impact event to initiate the change, though it could also be a solar driven event. A "roll-over" or crustal slip not triggered by some external agent probably would not account for a rapid to instant increase or decrease in ambient heat index.

It is not the scope of this review to postulate HOW the Sun directly or indirectly may have caused such a rapid change in heat index to cause the ice melt, whether caused by a long term sustained (thousand odd year) Solar Storm throwing out continuous flares, or whether some external event 'bumped' the earth into a much closer solar orbit to the sun than it now possesses. There are some historical records (Sumerian Epics) indicating planetary chaos during the early Holocene time frame, indicating the 'bump' may have been a primary trigger for the rapid ice melt. In addition, several very large array underground ancient cities, such as Cappadocia in Turkey, indicate the outside surface temperature may have been uninhabitable on a sustained long term basis, driving entire cities with as many as 80,000 residents deep underground. During that period, tall walled cities were the standard safety protection for cities of that size, making it unrealistic to assume the underground cities were engineered solely as a safety mechanism against marauding invaders. Looking at the underground cities within the context of a very probable high heat index that was concurrently causing an ice sheet melt pulse is reasonable logic of their purpose. Though the underground cave cities were in fact excellent defensive zones, in addition to being naturally aspirated and air conditioned.

The amount (cubic meters or tons) of ice melt during the first meltwater pulse is staggering, considering it occurred during a very short period of time, relatively speaking (about 800 years). In any case, ocean levels rose about 75 ft, during that time, and the start (or beginning) and end of the first pulse appears to have occurred on a sudden and cataclysmic basis.The intervening 800 years between the end of the first and beginning of the second meltwater pulse is called 'The First Little Ice Age'. During that first 800 odd years, very little ice melted, probably during a temperature range that was only slightly warmer than current. 

As indicated on the graph, the second meltwater pulse was of shorter duration than the first, and seems to have been less exposed to the extreme temperature of the first pulse. During the second meltwater pulse, ocean rise was about 35'. The beginning and end events were dramatically and obviously catastrophic. The second break, though not a classic 'little ice age' was significantly warmer than the first, and also lasted about 800 years, during which time ocean level only rose about 5'6" or less.The third meltwater pulse between about 11.2K years ago, and 7K years ago is the primary period that my work covers, because it is the highest sustained ocean level rise across the first half of the Holocene. During this period ocean levels rose about 195' over a 4,000 year period, or roughly 5' every 100 years during that period. 

My work will explore a vast array of evidence that supports a super catastrophic event occurred at 7K years ago, (+ or - 100). The following chart demonstrates ocean rise between 7K years ago and current levels as being just over 5'6", and most of that occurred during a slowdown following the 7K event. Ocean levels have rose worldwide variably less than 1' over the last 5.5K years.

In the Holocene Sea Level rise above, (Jamaica plot) the tertiary or third tidal shoulder('A') is estimated to be 5'6" in depth. That depth is precisely the edge of the 'leveling off' of the early Holocene rapid ocean rise, as measured by the Jamaica results, where 7,000 years ago the ocean level stabilized at about 1.5 meters or about 5' 6" lower than it is today.

The Secondary Tidal Shoulder ('B') is estimated to be about 2' in depth. That depth coincides with the second 'leveling off' of sea level rise at about 5.9K years ago. The Secondary Tidal Plain covers a period of about 800 years, and levels off to the Primary Tidal Plain, ('C') which is the current water table, which leveled off about 5,100 years ago.

The difference between any two water table in terms of depth, defines the 'life cycle' of that tidal plain. Any non natural artifacts or construction is dated to no earlier than the earlier tidal shoulder from which it was found.

Most information on this website is supported by artifacts and construction on the Secondary Tidal Plain level, indicating its build and use dates to be slightly earlier than the Tertiary Tidal Shoulder of 7,000 ybp, and no later than the Secondary Tidal Shoulder of 5,900 years ago.

Please compare the above information to the Holocene Sea Level chart above. My contention is that a technically advanced civilization inhabited the Atlantic and Gulf coast, then disappeared during a global super catastrophe about 7K years ago.

Tidal Age-Depth

Ocean level, when stable for some period of time develops a 'tidal shoulder' as a reaction to water movement and tidal rise and fall. Given enough time and a relative stable shoreline, the tidal shoulder outline is sometimes very clear, other times it is less clear. Depth between shoulders provides an accurate estimate of tidal plain life cycle, or length of time between the cycle use dates of the upper and lower tidal shoulder. Original timeline related to ocean depth are established by many factors including depth levels as marked on vertical underwater cliffs, coral growth at certain levels, salt lines and tidal action wear on underwater sandstone as well as DNA testing on seashell populations and other biological residue on previous underwater beaches.


The above figures are based on data from Fleming et al. 1998, Fleming 2000, & Milne et al. 2005. These papers collected data from various reports and adjusted them for subsequent vertical geologic motions, primarily those associated with post-glacial continental and hydroisostatic rebound. The first refers to deformations caused by the weight of continental ice sheets pressing down on the land, the latter refers to uplift in coastal areas resulting from the increased weight of water associated with rising sea levels. It should be noted that because of the latter effect and associated uplift, many islands, especially in the Pacific, exhibited higher local sea levels in the mid Holocene than they do today. Uncertainty about the magnitude of these corrections is the dominant uncertainty in many measurements of Holocene scale sea level change.

The black curve is based on minimizing the sum of squares error weighted distance between this curve and the plotted data. It was constructed by adjusting a number of specified tie points, typically placed every 1 kyr and forced to go to 0 at the modern day. A small number of extreme outliers were dropped. It should be noted that some authors propose the existence of significant short-term fluctuations in sea level such that the sea level curve might oscillate up and down about this ~1 kyr mean state. Others dispute this and argue that sea level change has been a smooth and gradual process for essentially the entire length of the Holocene. Regardless of such putative fluctuations, evidence such as presented by Morhange et al. (2001) suggests that in the last 10 kyr sea level has never been higher than it is at present.


Sea Levels have risen about 410' + or -, over the last 15,000 years in the areas depicted in this study. Using sea level rise as a dating mechanism is valid when features, contours or artifacts situated on a tidal shelf can be identified as having been built or created when that area was above sea level.


  • [abstract] [DOI] Fleming, Kevin, Paul Johnston, Dan Zwartz, Yusuke Yokoyama, Kurt Lambeck and John Chappell (1998). "Refining the eustatic sea-level curve since the Last Glacial Maximum using far- and intermediate-field sites". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 163 (1-4): 327-342.

  • Fleming, Kevin Michael (2000). Glacial Rebound and Sea-level Change Constraints on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Australian National University. PhD Thesis.

  • [abstract] [DOI] Milne, Glenn A., Antony J. Long and Sophie E. Bassett (2005).
    "Modelling Holocene relative sea-level observations from the Caribbean and South America". Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (10-11): 1183-1202.

  • [abstract] [DOI] Morhange, C., J. Laborel, and A. Hesnard (2001). "Changes of relative sea level during the past 5000 years in the ancient harbor of Marseilles, Southern France".Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 166: 319-329. 

This data is taken from my web book at

In this work, I will try and document (cite) the scientific evidence that my assertions are made upon.

John Jensen  Nov. 2, 2013